As promised, I have an excerpt to share from the upcoming story, "Brendella and the Horny Goblins". It is an
ENF Story, in a fantasy (swords & sorcery) setting.
Brendella is an ENF character who is the focus of a series of short stories I am currently working on. The collection (the first of many, perhaps!) will be out at the beginning of the new year.
is a capable warrior, although often through bad luck, absentmindedness, or overconfidence, she finds herself in embarrassing situations. Usually, this involves the loss of most, if not all, of her clothing!
Here then is a short excerpt, as Brendella (already captured and bound by the goblins) begins to have her clothes forcibly removed!
From "Brendella, and the Horny Goblins":
Now, the eyes of her captors turned fully upon her. She struggled into a sitting position.
"We like you, preeety lady," one of them said.
"Yummy yummy," said another.
They muttered amongst themselves in their own primitive language, occasionally gesturing towards her. She dreaded to know what they were planning.
After a moment, there seemed to be some sort of consensus reached. One of the creatures stepped forward, brandishing what had once been her knife.
She tried to back away, pushing herself along the ground with her legs, but the creature had no trouble catching her. A couple of the others eagerly jumped forward to offer their assistance.
They turned her over onto her stomach. The one with the knife leaned in close. At first, she almost thought he was going to slice her throat. Instead, he brought the knife to her shoulder, and began to saw through one of the straps holding her cuirass in place.
Her frantic protestations to this action were muffled by the gag in her mouth.
Cutting feverishly, the goblin sliced through one strap, and then the other. The blade moved down to her side where, rather than deal with the belts and ties holding her armor together, the appalling beast just sliced right through them!
More conversation passed between her captors. A moment later, she was rolled onto her back, her bound arms pinned beneath her.
Now she could see everything he was doing. Eyes wide, she watched him take the knife to her belt, cutting through it. He pulled it free and handed it back to one of his buddies. The drawstrings on her leather leggings were next.
Now a pair of goblins joined him on the ground. They each grabbed one of her legs. The goblin with the knife leaned forward and cut the binds from her ankles. She tried to kick out with her legs, but the little bastards were stronger than they appeared. With all the leverage, they easily held her down.
The one with the knife handed away the blade, then moved towards her feet. As the other goblins began to chatter and giggle, he first pulled off her left boot, then the right.
Feeling the air on her now bare feet made her very conscious of what was in store for her if she didn't get away from these little cretins soon. A whole lot more of her would soon be bared to the evening air!